Thursday, May 29, 2008

baby fight

brainwashed my baby.

reformatted it a while ago.

stupid vista and iis 7.0.
vista corrupts after updates..
so u cannot adjust windows features.


NOTE: i just realize after posting..
dat this pic looks like its from..
star wars - the kitty empire

iis 7.0, vista and .net..
doesn't play well with each other.

and my baby can't get service pack 1
which means no fastcgi for php.

see? no fastcgi support.

i feel like downloading sp1 standalone.
worried it fries my drivers tho. =(

okay anw, in english..

i was frustrated cos this component..
called iis 7.0.. won't install.

read forums and online help for hours.
i nearly screamed.

deep in despair.. i started praying.

amazingly GOD seems to have a way.
even with the hopeless vista.

i did a factory image restore
and tried iis 7.0 again...

tada! it worked!

really, thank GOD!!

now off to fix my php.
using the old skool isapi method.


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